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Thank you to everyone who made the 2024 Romeo Garden Walk and Afterglow on June 29 a huge success and truly a day to remember… donors, gardeners, volunteers, event co-hosts, artists, musicians, and all of you who bought tickets and came to events throughout the day. Thank you for your support of green space and our community!
Gardens and Green Space was co-hosted by the Romeo and Juliet Garden Club, the Romeo Historical Society and Romeo Gold Studios. All proceeds go to the Green Space on Prospect Street (GSOPS) Fund at the Four County Community Foundation.
The Green Space Afterglow was hosted by Romeo Gold Studios on the porch and lawn of Dale Wells’ Gray House across the street from the Green Space. We brought our picnics, friends and family and enjoyed the summer night together!
As always, thank you to our donors and pledgers who make it all possible. Special thanks to Heidebreicht Chevrolet, the MittTV, and 120+donors who are investing in the future for our children, our community and the planet! See our Supporters page for details.